Quick take:
Rev. Legh Richmond became acquainted with Elizabeth Wallbridge, the Dairyman’s Daughter, when he officiated the funeral of her sister. Elizabeth described how she turned from the vanity of dressing finely and clothed herself with humility of Christ. The visits and letters between them were recorded in this testimony of God’s work.
My impression:
The attitude and outlook of Elizabeth Wallbridge expresses an uncommon closeness and devotion to God.
An aside:
In 1828, it was reported that 4,000,000 copies of The Dairyman's Daughter were circulated in nineteen different languages, resulting in a multitude of saving graces.
“But, in general, if we want to see religion in its purest character, we must look for it among the poor of this world, who are rich in faith.”
Important excerpt:
" 'Sir, be fervent in prayer with God for the conviction and conversion of sinners. His power is great, and who can withstand it? He has promised to answer the prayer of faith, that is put up in his Son's name. ‘Ask what you will, and it shall be granted you.' How this should strengthen our faith, when we are taught by the Word and the Spirit how to pray! O that sweet inspiring hope! how it lifts up the fainting spirits, when we look over the precious promises of God! What a mercy if we know Christ, and the power of his resurrection in our own hearts! Through faith in Christ we rejoice in hope, and look up in expectation of that time drawing near, when all shall know and fear the Lord, and when a nation shall be born in a day.
'What a happy time, when Christ's kingdom shall come! Then shall ‘his will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.' Men shall be daily fed with the manna of his love, and delight themselves in the Lord all the day long. Then, what a paradise below they will enjoy! How it animates and enlivens my soul with vigor to pursue the ways of God, that I may even now bear some humble part in giving glory to God and the Lamb!' "
Another excerpt:“Do any of my readers inquire why I describe so minutely the circumstances of prospect and scenery which may be connected with the incidents I relate? My reply is, that the God of redemption is the God of creation likewise; and that we are taught in every part of the Word of God to unite the admiration of the beauties and wonders of nature to every other motive for devotion. When David considered the heavens, the work of God’s fingers, the moon and the stars which He has ordained, he was thereby led to the deepest humiliation of heart before his Maker.”
Also available: The Young Cottager and The African Servant all by Legh Richmond.

THE DAIRYMAN'S DAUGHTER by Legh Richmond - $8.95.

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